Paid Sex & the Singularity

Posted on April 17, 2018

Pornography and legal prostitution both aim to ease the same social ailment: sexual frustration, mostly of men. Throwing a few dollars at some porn studio and enjoying a virtual encounter with your pornstar of choice has satisfied some while others needed something more tangible and ponied up the big bucks for a quality escort experience. You might’ve thought the former could never trump the latter, but according to news coming out of Nevada, you’d be wrong.

Dennis Hof owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch
Dennis Hof owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch

The Moonlite Bunny Ranch, the famous legal brothel outside Carson City owned and operated since 1992 by Dennis Hof,today finds itself in a strange position regarding the potential threat VR poses to prostitution. Instead of waiting for VR to evolve to a truly lifelike and tactile point, Hof and his bunnies are embracing new tech and integrating VR into their work. It may seem counter-intuitive, but how these creative courtesans have already found valuable uses for VR. Popular favorite Alice Little started incorporating VR into her sessions to fulfill clients’ hentai-fueled fantasies. Getting into her role and mimicking the movements of the VR character, Little allowed her clients to almost literally have sex with animated sexpots.

Hof, whose Bunny Ranch lost its license due to fire code violations, wants to push his world-renowned harem onto the laps of lust-filled folks worldwide via an exclusive VR date service. Until then, he’s content to let the gradual encroachment of this game-changing tech lead his business into new arenas. “It certainly seems like where all this headed is that it won’t be long until you’ll be able to bring a simulated version of Scarlett Johannson or Angelina Jolie into a threesome with one of my hot bunnies,” he noted.

For the home viewers uninterested in becoming a John, virtual or otherwise, yet still intrigued by the possibilities presented by bringing real sex and VR sex together, there may be a few lingering questions preventing you from asking your girlfriend to virtually dress (via your VR headset) as Wonder Woman, wrap her lasso of truth around your naked midsection and drag confessions of your most filthy fantasies from your lips… What about discreetly running a different simulation than the one she agreed to, one depicting, say, a rendering of her best friend?

As with most matters of the heart (and loins), it’s probably best to tread carefully here folks. The threat of the singularity is real, as is VR’s challenge to real-life sexual satisfaction both private and commercial.


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