Virtual Reality users devoted to the world’s largest information corporation, Google, are likely enjoying the use of their Daydream (or perhaps still Cardboard) headset to immerse themselves into a virtual world of illicit, explicit sex. The right player app only enhances the experience and, for Google’s VR devices, FullDive VR seems the best overall fit.
FullDiveVR is the best fit for Google's VR devices
1. Download and install FullDive VR on your smart phone of choice.
2. Open FullDive VR and select the browser option.
3. Head to Virtual.Porn’s VR Videos page and choose a scene.
4. Choose to either stream your selection or download for local playback.
5. Streamers should select the Cardboard/Daydream option when available.
Those eager to download and play back VR content locally can do so quite easily with FullDive VR.
1. Make sure FullDive VR is installed and current.
2. Find and download a VR porn scene you fancy from a reliable source.
3. Open FullDive and direct it to open your saved VR file.
4. Playback should begin with automatic format and screen adjustments made by FullDive VR.
Note: Daydream users must open FullDive VR from the Daydream Library.